We are a 100% volunteer run organization and we love what we do.  It takes a lot of volunteers to come ride with the team and make practice happen. Without your help and support, we would not be able to provide this experience for our student athletes.

If you would like to ride with our team, you must be registered with NICA and complete level 1 certification


  • Complete level 1 certification and ride with us 5 times during the season = Receive a first aid kit
  • Complete level 1 certification and ride with us 15 times during the season = Reimbursement of NICA registration & background check fees (submit receipts to the OYCA Treasurer)
  • Complete level 2 certification and ride with us 25 times during the season (roughly 70%) = Receive a ride leader jersey (one time benefit)
  • Complete level 3 certification = Only head coaches need to be level 3
  • Discounts are provided to level 2 & 3 ride leaders through Utah League and NICA Sponsors = More information can be found in here


  1. Complete the sign-up form (link above)
  2. The head coach will initiate a NICA Pit Zone & TeamSnap invite (may take 24-48 hours)
  3. Click the one-time link in the email you receive to setup your account/password
  4. Click on ‘Coach Profile’ to complete the waivers & pay fees
  5. Click on ‘Access Coach Courses’ and complete the online training courses for NICA level 1
  6. Accept the TeamSnap invite, complete your profile, and set your preferred notification methods.
We would encourage you to learn more about completing level 2 certification and helping as a ‘Ride Leader’.  Level 2 requires some additional in person training such as first aid, on-the-bike 101, and continuing education units.  Learn more on the Utah League website under coach licensing.  The League also offers courses in first aid, OTB 101, and other in person training classes.  Sign-up on their website under coach training.  Courses fill-up fast so sign-up early.


Complete The Sign-Up Form

Request a NICA Pit Zone invititation by completing our sign-up form by clicking the link above.  This will notify the coaches and provide them with the information needed to send you an invitation to the Pit Zone and to TeamSnap.  If you don’t receive an email within 24-48 hours for both TeamSnap and the Pit Zone, please check your spam folder and then contact the head coach for your team.  


Create A Pit Zone Account

Once you receive the invite, follow the one-time link to set up your account/password in the Pit Zone.  You will use this same account in subsequent years to complete your waivers and training.  The coaches will initiate a reminder invite at the start of each season.


Complete Your Profile

After you login to the Pit Zone, click on ‘Coach Profile’ or the notification prompt to complete your account profile, sign the waiver forms, complete $25 NICA registration fee, and the background check.  The background check fee is $38 for a complete background check your first year and $11 each year for years 2-6.  Additional information about the background check cycle is on the league’s coach licensing webpage.


Complete Your Training Courses

This is the important part.  You aren’t licensed until you click on ‘Access Coach Courses’ and complete the online training courses for NICA level 1.  For level 2 courses that you complete in person, you will need to upload a copy of your completion certificate to your Pit Zone account on the license status page. 


Check Your License Status

You can view your license status by clicking on ‘Coach Profile’ and then ‘License Status’.  


Accept Your TeamSnap Invitation

Create your account in TeamSnap and set your notification preferences.  TeamSnap is where our practice schedule is located, it’s how we communicate with the team, and it’s also how we know who is coming to practice.  You will need your own account so you can mark your availability for each practice.  We need to know who will be at practice so we can manage our ride groups and assign volunteers accordingly.



If you have additional questions, contact coach Scott Black.  He heads up our ride leader and volunteer training efforts.